Thursday, April 16, 2009

Il Signore e vermente risorto, alleluia! A Lui gloria e potenza nei secoli!

I like to look at the Vatican website on a regular basis, to work on my Italian (which is pretty weak!). The text of the Pope’s general audience appears there almost every Wednesday, and his Angelus / Regina Caeli address most Sundays, and while there are summaries in English, French, Spanish, etc., the full text of his talk is only in Italian. I’m hoping to get some practice in the spoken language this summer on the last leg of the pilgrimage. His Holiness always has some gems that I’ll make an effort to share, in the original Italian and in my translation. Here are a couple of passages, one from yesterday’s general audience, and one from the Regina Caeli for Easter Monday:

(Quoting Silvano del Monte Athos) “Gioisci, anima mea. È sempre Pasqua, perché Cristo risorto è la nostra risurrezione.”

(“Rejoice, my soul. It is always Easter, because the risen Christ is our resurrection.”)

“La sua risurrezione ha gettato un ponte fra il mondo e la vita eterna, sul quale ogni uomo e ogni donna può passare per giungere alla vera meta del nostro pellegrinaggio terreno.”

(“His resurrection has thrown down a bridge between the world and the life eternal, over which every man and every woman can pass to arrive at the true goal of our earthly pilgrimage.”)

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